Trip Ideas, Planning and Preparation

Trip Ideas 2026: Pacific Coast Sierra Cascade Loop; European Divide Trail Denmark to Portugal; Morocco; Spain to Turkey. 2025: Canada; Top of the World/Dempster Highway to Arctic Ocean. Current Tour Bikes 2023 Tumbleweed Prospector – Rohloff/Schmidt hubs/Velocity Blunt 35 rims, Avid BB7s, Tumblweed Persuader bar, 29×2.4WT” Maxxis Ikons. 2024 Fairlight… Continue reading

Grand Ridge Hike

Grand Ridge Trail

I planned to do the Grand Ridge hike from Obstruction Point to Deer Park and back months ago, but never quite managed it. With the weather changing I chose a perfect day, Oct 12th with sunny skies and light breezes. The first hour I saw many other hikers all doing… Continue reading